Creating and including helper file in laravel application

  • Create a file name with .php extension and place it to the directory you want inside the application. I usually name it helpers and put my helpers.php in ‘app/helpers.php’
  • Open composer.json from your project and add your helpers.php to autoload part of composer as below.
"autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Nisshan\\NepaliCalendar\\": "src",
            "Nisshan\\NepaliCalendar\\Database\\Factories\\": "database/factories"
        "files": [

  • After adding path to composer run composer dump-autoload then you can use your helper function inside your application by calling the name of function you created.

Defining and Calling of Functions

  • This Example doesn’t look practical but, it does a simple work of converting date to the format passed with date value in function.
  • If format is not passed it will take the default value provided into the function.
  • Function is wrapped in function_exists check to avoid definition collisions but can also be optional if you are confident that the same definition does not exist in another part of the application.
use Carbon\Carbon;

if(! function_exists(formatDate)){
    function formatDate($date, $format = 'M d, Y')
        return Carbon::parse($date)->format($format);

Note : Adding helpers to your package is same as adding it to the laravel application.